الكون والنشأة
Logical thinking that does not find convincing answers to questions invents imaginary answers.
The Sheikh of the Gnostics, scholars and Sufis, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, may God have mercy on him, says: Islam is a mind that rejects superstition and a heart that rejects vice.
In the beginning there was nothingness before it existed, like lights that light up and go out and light up and go out alternately, or like the buds of a lote tree that are created to grow and blossom then die to be created and cease to exist to be created, or like rings that float in space, contracting and expanding...and after every nothingness there is a great explosion to form a universe that is not in a specific space.
Or as you explain the philosophy of the snake that eats itself from its tail without ending according to the Greeks, the sacred wheel according to the Hindus, and the power of the yin-yang circle of Confucianism.
A clearer example is a universe with three universes below it that are getting smaller and three universes above it that are getting bigger. The larger universe meets the smaller universe in a ring.
And between one universe and another there are seven universes in parallel.
After the Big Bang, which was empty of matter, two electromagnetic waves, one negative and the other positive, twisted around each other like a hot current around a cold one, creating an electromagnetic hurricane or black holes.
Inside the black hole, bosons, protons, neutrons, electrons, nuclei and various atoms formed to form a cosmic soup or thermal plasma to become a giant galaxy from which giant stars separated like a sky whose petals split into a rose like paint.
When the sky splits and becomes rose-colored like paint.
And the Day We will fold up the heaven like the folding of a scroll for a book.
Then the stars turned into suns with petals, which are the plasma planets or small stars that cooled and became cold planets. Before they cooled, hot moons separated from them, which cooled first before the planets, as the smaller asteroids cool and petrify first, followed by the larger ones, then the larger ones, until the largest star goes out or is devoured by a passing black hole.
Principle of angular momentum
An approximate image of a wet tennis ball in a rotating motion, with water droplets separating from it and rotating around itself in a shape similar to the separation of stars from a galaxy.
God Almighty says in Surat At-Takwir: (When the sun is wrapped up, and when the stars are scattered, and when the mountains are set in motion ...
Meaning that the plasma curls up to become a sun or a star, then this sun collapses or goes out and cools to become a planet.
When the young newborn star cools, it becomes a planet with a solid outer crust carrying magma from the inside. Then the core of the planet begins to secrete volcanic lava. After millions of years, the core of the planet becomes empty and hollow like an empty egg. The Earth’s crust collapses on itself and the planet or moon splits, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying in Surat Al-Qamar (The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split). Then it becomes a rocky pile floating in space until a new black hole pulls it in, transforming the pile back into thermal plasma, stars, suns, and planets... and so on.
A black hole swallows the remains of another dead black hole or other galaxies.
When a planet that is at the right distance for liquid water to form cools, oceans and seas are created.
The beginning of creation
Then columns or chimneys of hot volcanic water appear under the seas like aged mud.
So let man consider from what he was created. He was created from a fluid ejected, proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. Surah At-Tariq, verse 5
Surah Ar-Rahman:
The first inorganic substance, which is calcium, produces the first living organic substance, which is the rocky coral, which grows from the rock and becomes living rocks capable of reproduction. And it is He who caused you to grow from the earth as a plant.

Coral develops sperm, single cells, and bacteria, which are divided into two types: one type produces animals such as shells, and an older type produces algae.
Algae evolve into plants, shells evolve into mollusks that become crustaceans and fish...
Crustaceans are where all insects originated.
And the scaly fish that lay eggs, from which reptiles and birds arose.
And the cartilaginous fish that give birth, such as sharks and rays, are the origin of mammals...
Say, "Travel through the land and observe how He began creation."
Why do you not have reverence for God, when He created you in different stages?
Paradise is built by the wise man in the vast universe.
The universe is a living organism that is born, grows, expands, ages, dies, and then is resurrected to return to life.
The universe is born, matter is born, and black holes are born, from which galaxies multiply, and stars branch out from galaxies to grow from them descendants, which are the planets that give birth to moons.
Moons die after cooling and emptying of their internal lava and collapse in on themselves, then the planets die in the same way, so the suns go out and turn into cold planets that die like planets, just as galaxies die and become just rubble that floats in circles until it exits the center.
Black holes attract the remains of dead galaxies and planets and absorb them like sweeping tornadoes to begin a new life cycle for a new galaxy, stars, and planets...like living cells that feed on dead cells to cleanse the body.
And for the universe to continue living, to grow old, to die, and to be resurrected again.
Everything in the universe is alive, from the components of the atom to the universe itself. Everything grows, reproduces, dies, and returns to life, even the atoms themselves. When they die in a nuclear equation, they become a new, living atom that bears a new name. Glory be to Him to whom all that is in the heavens and the earth exalts, Who created death and life to test you, which of you is best in deed. And from death He created the new resurrection.
All the earthly, gaseous, fiery and luminous electronic creatures are connected to one origin from the genome and proteins to molecules, atoms, electrons and protons. All creation carries the same trademark or intellectual and moral property. Even if we break into the sub-microscopic world to the sub-atomic, we find space and universes completely similar to our universe, and if we dive deeper, we find another similar universe. But if we go up to the galaxies and beyond the boundaries of the universe, we will discover that we and our universe are just protons, nuclei or electrons of a giant atom, which is the universe in which we live, which is just an atom in a living or inanimate body. Here we understand the meaning of the verse in which God Almighty says: “And they knew there that there is no escape from God except to Him.”
Or the Almighty’s saying: “Wherever you turn your faces, there is the Face of God.”
(The face of which is the industrial and intellectual property with which this universe was built)
Up to the macroscopic magnifier or down to the microscopic microscope there is a living universe. Seven heavens in layers and the same number of earths.